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Priory Park Project

I have been tasked with producing a very special portfolio of images.

In 1918, after the cessation of hostilities in Europe at the end of WWI, Priory Park, in Chichester, was gifted to the people of the city by the then seventh Duke of Richmond and Gordon. It has since remained as a central oasis of peace and a cherished public space for locals and visitors ever since.Like many other public amenities, its future is in some doubt. The council is considering various proposals that, if approved, will forever alter the spirit and integrity of the space. A committee of dedicated locals has begun preparing to defend the park from the threat of inappropriate development and also to gear up for the centenary celebrations to be held next summer - 2018.

The group has asked me to document the changing seasons in the Park and to prepare a portfolio of images that can be used in promotional material, a calendar and other products for sale all of which will go some way to supporting the efforts to maintain the park in its unchanged position as that of an invaluable public service.The park has already offered up some fine winter views.

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